Wednesday, December 17, 2008

yeah, I know

It's not like I didn't tell folks early on about the oppositional disorder.
I knew, in the depths of my heart, that I'd be bad about regularly blogging.
It's not that I don't think about it.
And I love reading other people's blogs, especially my friend Kyle's and St. Casserole's. And I'm pretty good about checking facebook...
I dunno.
This whole electronic immediate access thing is mind boggling. Someone sends me an email and expects a reply asap even though I never agreed to reply asap. What's up with that? I both love it and hate it.
Juxtapose these thoughts with Advent and waiting, waiting, waiting.
There's something important here, some message that is gestating in me and will hopefully be born in my preaching and conversations with those I love...
Even if it takes place in cyberspace.

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