Saturday, May 2, 2009

Changing roles

In the past few days, God has given me some neat opportunities to change my roles and perspectives. On Wednesday evening, I found out that I didn't get a job for which I had applied and I was bummed for a number of reasons. The friends/family members who knew I had applied were great when I told them I didn't get it and have been wonderfully supportive since then. On Friday morning, I was thinking about another woman who had applied for the same job (and didn't get it) and decided to send her a text to see if she was okay. Within a short amount of time, my phone rang, and it was this woman calling to commiserate. I got to change roles from victim to care-giver because she was clearly devastated whereas I had kind of had the "Well, God must have something bigger in store for me" attitude.
I had another opportunity in running training this morning. After being told we were going to run 40 minutes straight, I was all set to start fussing and complaining. However, it turns out that I was the only one in the group with a sport watch with a chronograph on it. All of a sudden, I felt like it was my job to encourage us with things like "Y'all, we're doing great. Half-way there!" And "We're awesome! Only 15 minutes to go!" And "Wow--we're really kicking it today! 8 minutes left!" etc...So I went from complainer to encourager.
I like learning new life lessons. And I like sharing them. So, if things suck, change your role.

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