Sunday, March 22, 2009

Home sweet home

It is good to be home.
Thank God, kids were beautiful and healthy and in great spirits. Wonderful nanny didn't look like she was ready to quit and never come back. Pets are all fine (mixed emotions about the guinea pigs on this one but I'm working on it.) I woke up at 2:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep--it always takes me a while to adjust after being in a Palau since they are 13 hours ahead of us...Hopefully in a few days I'll be recovered.
Now I'm thinking about my sermon this morning and contemplating doing something I almost never do which is reading a fantastic sermon that a friend of mine preached in 2006 on today's lessons and then adding some of my own comments (and of course I will be completely honest with the congregation that that's what I'm doing.) We'll see how the Spirit moves.
I'll probably try to run some time today--I have an early workout and then hair appointment tomorrow and am just vain enough not to want to get all sweaty so that my great blow out will last a couple of days...but you never know!
I've got tons of laundry and unpacking to do but it's all good.


Rachel said...

I love reading about your running :) Running in the heat can take a big toll, and it takes a few runs/weeks to adjust to the heat...good thing Rochester has a sloooooow transition to summer! I can't wait to hear about the running group starting on Thursday! Yesterday was in the 60s in DC and I had my last super long run (only 2 weeks til the Cherry Blossom 10 mile -- I might have to reward myself with that drink you wrote about in your last post!) was so beautiful out and I got a little sunburned while running.
Anyway, glad you had a great trip and that you're home safe.
Love you!

GrammyM said...

Sooooo glad you are home safely. I understand the slow connection. I'm dealing with that this week in Texas. Drives me bananas! Look forward to hearing all about the trip. Much love,Grammy M