Saturday, March 7, 2009

week 9 done!

Just finished.
Not quite gasping for breath but close.
Sweating onto the keyboard.
But I did it, gentle readers.
I completed week 9 of my training.
From now on, until I start my next program, I just run 30 minutes at a time, 4 times a week. I'm sticking to the M-W-F-S program.
I seem to do best when I run first thing in the morning so I'm going to try to stick to this even though God knows I love my sleep--I'll have to keep finding out what works for me.
I tell you what, I have to struggle to get through the first half but then it's downhill from there. I have to continually self-talk ("You've got this. You can do this. You will feel so good when this is over. C'mon. Desire, Determination, Discipline. Only quitters quit. You're not a quitter.") I'm not sure where I came up with the "only quitters quit"--not exactly profound wisdom but it seems to work for me.
The music really does help. The problem is finding headphones that work. The ear buds start to come out when I start sweating and I find myself continually having to push them back in. The regular ear pieces that come with the i-pod and i-shuffle don't really work for me either. Any suggestions?
Okay, time to finish the packing for Palau. Be well, gentle readers. I'll try to blog from the federated state of Micronesia!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Congrats on finishing week 9! I have yet to find headphones/ear buds that 100% don't fall out when you sweat...but the scull candy ones that Dad got for me work pretty well (better than the ipod ones anyway). When they start to fall out, I just shove them back in (hopefully I'm not doing damage to my ears...). Sometimes I try to wipe the ear pieces on my shirt and then stick them back in, but the shirt is wet too, so I don't think it really does anything. Anyway, so excited for you to leave for Palau tomorrow! You're going to have a blast and I can't wait to see the pictures!
Love you.