Monday, March 2, 2009

I love running to music!

Trainer was SO right!
This morning's run was nearly enjoyable!
Okay, I'll just say it:
It was totally enjoyable. Either that or my post exercise endorphins are kicking in. My playlist ranged from Rascal Flatts to Akon--Kanye to Fergie. The only problem was that the tempos weren't all exactly the same so I think that once it's warm enough to run outside, I'll have an easier time pacing the running to music. But I ran faster than I have in the past and felt pretty relaxed. The time seemed to fly by. And the great thing was the divine way my playlist worked out: I was listening to "Jai Ho," the oscar-winning theme from "Slumdog Millionaire" and the slow part of the song came on at exactly my 1 minute cool down in the middle of the run. I thought "Praise the Lord!" Now I'm looking forward to running on the beach in Palau with my ipod.
Desire, Determination, Discipline.
And good tunes.


Rachel said...

Yay! So glad day 1 of week 9 went well :) The only way I can survive on a treadmill is with my ipod. I love reading your running updates!

GrammyM said...

I agree with Rachel. I look forward to reading your updates. And I love the 3 D's. That is helpful for me while I'm trying to get off 10 lbs. Probably not before May but surely by August.