Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monkey Business

Disclaimer: I know Travis is a chimpanzee, not a monkey. But "Chimpanzee Business" is not nearly as good a blog title. So don't email me about the difference cause I just don't care. If I ever decide to care, I'll blog about it and you can educate me at that point.
Who in the H-E-double hockey sticks feeds a freaking domesticated chimp filet mignon, alcohol, xanax, and bathes and sleeps with it?
I'm usually all like "Don't judge her journey" but on this one I'm pretty much judging her journey and finding it majorly messed up.
This is some freaky bidness.
You'd think she'd have friends or family members who would say "You know, this thing with you and that chimp don't seem quite right."
I dunno, maybe it's funny to see a chimp tipsy. But if the chimp doesn't know the potential harmful effects of alcohol, can't we safely say that some kind of abuse was going on?
So for any of you out there who know people who own chimps and are wining and dining them, tell them to cut it out. As for the xanax, unless a vet gives it to the chimp, that ain't right either.
I'm just sayin'.

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