Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Men in flowy pants

Men in flowy pants make me nervous.
Which is ridiculous.
But, Lord have mercy, I was raised in the deep south. Men didn't wear flowy pants, at least outside of the privacy of their own homes.
I went to yoga yesterday.
There was a couple visiting the class that were obviously experienced yogis. The man had on flowy pants. Very flowy fabric cut all the way up the sides. (He had on grey athletic shorts under, thanks be go God.) When he went into triangle pose, it made a very pretty picture. Which I'm sure he was aware of.
He seemed to like attention and worked to draw it to himself. At the beginning "ommms," he Oommmd longer and louder than anyone. Like substantially and somewhat, in my opinion, obnoxiously. And he grunted and moaned in every pose.
On the one hand, it distracted me from my own pain which was good.
On the other hand, I didn't concentrate as hard on my own breathing, at least for some of the practice, and didn't have the mental discipline to just tune him out. So I will need to work on this.
Home practice tonight after my afternoon workout. I'm going to see if my hubby will help me with my yoga dvd and help adjust my poses since there are no mirrors in the yoga studio and I have no idea how aligned I am or how I'm looking, which is really a good thing.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I wish I could have been in that class with you to see these flowy pants and perhaps make a spectacle of ourselves again like we did last time with our giggling :) Hmm...maybe not, that would definitely not have helped with your concentration or breathing. Miss you