Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 4 week 3 completed!

I did my training yesterday with my fabulous trainer and it went great. She pushed me just the right amount (i.e., I only gasped that I was fixin' to die 3 or 4 times...) But, as always, I felt great when we were done. We ran outside since it was 40 degrees and my new running clothes were great. It definitely felt different running outside. If I can ever figure out how to work one of those crazy watches that lets you moniter your running/recovery time, I just may get one but for right now, I either need the timer on my treadmill or my trainer with the crazy watch.
Today is a busy day with a 5 hour mutual ministry review (I'll let y'all know how it goes,) confirmation class, and then finally home! So I got up at 6 a.m., drank some coffee and ate a banana, and did my training.
Yes, gentle readers, I had the discipline to do it early. I still think that running later in the day works better for me. But I never felt sick or dizzy or got any cramps so either I'm not pushing myself enough or I'm doing something right. Actually, according to my heartrate (or is that heart racing?) I'm working as hard as I can. I'm still on the goal of "Just Do It!" I'm also reminding myself that every session completed is a victory.
I'm just sayin'


Rachel said...

Yay! You are becoming an inspiration for ME! (I am having a very lazy Saturday and keep telling myself I should get outside and go running) So anyway, I think I'll try to lace up my running shoes and give it a shot :) Thanks

GrammyM said...

Ok, now I've caught up. I'm not running a 5K but I will be committed to my work at the gym. I've not done any for 2 weeks getting ready for my Dallas trip. You are an inspiration! Let's keep it up.

revmutha said...

You got it, Grammy! Love you!

revmutha said...

Yeah, but you got a picture of Bruce Springsteen at the inauguration so you have a pass! Just kidding...lace 'em up, kiddo. I need you!