Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 4, Day 1 done!

Well, gentle readers, I have to tell you that I surprised myself this a.m. I decided that I had to run early because I had a hair appointment mid-morning and I didn't want to run after I got my hair all blowed out and re-redded. (I know, St. C., that coloring my hair is trashy and I should just refer to it as a regular conditioning but oversharing continues to be one of my many flaws...)
Anyhoo, my training for this week is running for 7 minutes and walking for 3 minutes, repeat 3 times.
It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be! I actually kind of got into a rhythm with my breathing. I have to say that I preferred the running outside so I hope the single digit cold spell we're having breaks pretty soon. I went to Eastern Mountain Sports where they are having a big sale and got another vest and a couple of more long-sleeve shirts. I told my hairdresser (do they still call them that? Maybe I should call her my stylist but that sounds too pretentious...) about running the 5k and she wants to do it with me. She regularly runs 5 miles at a time and is in much better physical shape than I am but she said it would be fun.
In two weeks, I'll be out on the West Coast for a few days. I'll get to run in the sun!
I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

GrammyM said...

I think STYLIST is the appropriate term. hard to remember but not pretentious.